Welcome to Praxis Guitars

We specialize in the design and manufacture of unique custom guitars in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Our Models

We currently have three body models to choose from. Customize your instrument by choosing the body type, guitar or bass, number of strings, wood type, and other configurable options.

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Modular instrument system with integrated metal frame and pickup cartridges

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Parametric instrument generator that can make create mandolins, guitars, basses and more

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Hollow body guitar with unique cavity resonance chamber


How We Build Our Guitars

We design our guitars in CAD software and use a CNC machine to carve them.

Our 3D Modeling Process

The first step in building our guitars is to design them in CAD software. They are meticulously designed with great care and consideration for both style and function. 

Here is a 3D model of our Harvester design. Use your mouse to zoom, drag, and move the 3D model. You may need to press the down arrow on your keyboard to scroll farther down the page, as the model takes over your mouse.

Made To Order

Every guitar is unique and custom made to order. Choose guitar or bass, number of strings, handedness, body & wood type, and other options.

Configure Yours


Our guitars are all open source. You can download the 3D models of all of our instruments for free and make your own on your own CNC machine.

Learn More

Innovative Design

Aesthetic and functional innovations that break the mold.

Hands-on Craftsmanship

 Every guitar is built with skill, precision, and attention to detail.